Rev. Kenneth Fellenbaum

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Milford, Connecticut, United States

Bible Verse of the Day

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Lincoln Day Dinner Invocation

February 12, 2020

Eternal and Heavenly Father – 

We pause at the beginning of this evening’s dinner and event to acknowledge your presence and Sovereignty in the world.

We would be remiss to not express our thanks and gratitude for the blessing of Liberty that we enjoy – peace, prosperity, freedom…And the material blessings of food, clothing and shelter

- things that so many lack elsewhere in the World. Inspire us to not only enjoy these blessings but to share with the less fortunate – the “least of these” even as unto You.
We remember to pray for our President and Government Leaders – as your Word admonishes – that they may govern wisely and in accordance with your wisdom and will.

And we pray that we – the United States of America – might be a “more perfect union,” indeed “One Nation under God” - offering life, liberty and opportunity for ALL.

Bless now the food and our fellowship – we are about to enjoy.
